

MTS Bilingual Muslimat NU Pucang Terapkan Tiga Kurikulum S ekolah MTs.B ini akan terapkan tiga kurikulum bagi calon siswa-siswi nya di tahun ini dan seterusnya. Menurut Kepala Madrasah Syamsuhari, kurikulum ini gabungan dari Kurikulum Kementerian Agama (KEMENAG), Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (KEMENDIKBUD), dan Cambridge University. Oleh karna itu siswa/siswi dalam sehari – hari mendapatkan materi pembelajaran yang disampaikan oleh guruny dengan berbahasa inggris. Tidak dalam pembelajaran saja yang menggunakan bahasa inggris tetapi dalam berkomunikasi siswa/siswi diwajibkan untuk berbahasa inggris.


POJOK PENDIDIKAN Let’s a little bit talk about paradigm of education! Start from our country, Indonesia. As a student from Indonesia, of course the main point of education is about score, value, or number. All students compete to reach their best score in every lesson. All students feel pressed or may be stressed because of national examination. Even more sad if students do not get good score, it will considered a fool and has no future. Fortunately, next year Indonesia will start a new program from our minister of education, Mr. Nadiem Makarim. The National Examination will be replaced by a Minimum Competency Assessment similar to the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA). "That was deleted. Replaced with the Minimum Competency Assessment, which is almost similar to PISA, namely literacy, numeracy, plus there is a Character Survey," said Mr. Nadiem. In terms of ranking PISA Singapuras always ranks first with the acquisition of an average score of 1,65...


CORNER OF 9.1             First of all class is place that we as a student use for study and learn from atitude or science, class should calm in order we feel comfortable when we study or learn in class. So 9.1 have a good situation actually because in class we has some rules that we should do in order we can get feel the calm and confortable class. Like example “ diclipine student only “ also the picket scedule that every day there are student who does their picket time to clean our class, then there are some rules that we should pay fine for our violation like not do picket time and not throw the trash in dustbin. But the important things in the rule is speak in english.          


HISTORY OF SIDOARJO Sidoarjo Regency as one of the buffer cities of the East Java Province is an area that is experiencing rapid development. This success was achieved because the various potentials that exist in the region such as industry and trade, tourism, and small and medium-sized businesses can be packaged well and directed. With the various regional potentials and adequate human resource support, in its development Sidoarjo Regency is able to become one of the strategic regions for regional economic development. Sidoarjo Regency is located between 112o 'and 112o9' East Longitude and between 7o3 'and 7o5' South Latitude.